Monday, September 30, 2019

Organization of Buddhism Essay

Buddhism is the religion founded by Siddhartha Gautama Buddha in Indian about 500 B.C.   Buddhism is the chief religion of Burma, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Japan, Korea, Mongolia, Kampuchea, Laos and China. Buddhism is one of the oldest and biggest religions of the world. Its central deity was Buddha, â€Å"the Enlightened One†. It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama who was born 563 B.C. in Kapilavastu, just inside the borders of what is now Nepal. Buddhism beganin India as a revolt against Hinduism. The origin of the religion is described in the article Buddha. Buddha himself did not leave any writings, and his teachings were not written down until several hundred years afte rhis death. Like Christianity and Islam, Buddhism is a missionary religion. Within 300 years after Buddha’s death, it had spread throughout India and reached Ceylon (Sri Lanka).   Monks and travellers carried it to other parts of Asia. Japan adopted it about the seventh century A.D. About the same time the religion reached Tibet. Here it was combined with native religions. The two major divisiobs of Buddhism probably developed in Indian monasteries before 100 A.D. A. The Life of Buddha Siddhartha Gautama was born in Kapilavastu, India (now Nepal) in about 563 BCE. At his birth, legend says, a wise man told his father that Siddhartha would either become a great ruler or a great holy man, depending on what he saw of life. Determined that his son should rule after him, his father did all he could to shield Siddhartha from the problems of the outside world. Siddhartha grew up in great luxury in his father’s palace. He married a beautiful princess and had a son. Despite this, he felt that something was missing from his life. At the age of 29, Siddhartha had an experience that changed his life. On a secret chariot ride outside the palace, he saw a sick man, an old man and a dead man. It was the first time that he had seen people suffering. Then he saw a holy man who was happy and content, despite being poor. Siddhartha vowed to give up his luxurious life and become like the holy man. That night, he left the palace and began his search for the answer to the suffering he had seen. After many years of fasting and hardship, Siddhartha came to the village of Bodh Gaya. Sitting under a great tree, he closed his eyes and began to meditate. There, at last, he gained enlightenment and became the Buddha. He realized that people suffered because they always wanted more than they had. The Buddha spent the rest of his life as a monk. He traveled around India with a group of followers, teaching people how to overcome suffering. He died, aged 80, in the town of Kushinagara in India. B. Its History –  Buddhism Buddhism began in India as a revolt against Hinduism. The origin of the religion is described in the article Buddha. Buddha himself did not leave any writings, and his teachings were not written down until several hundred years after his death. Like Christianity and Islam, Buddhism is a missionary religion. With 300 years after Buddha’s death, it had spread throughout India and reached Ceylon (Sri Lanka). Monks and travelers carried it to other parts of Asia. Japan adopted it about the seventh century A.D. About the same time the religion reached Tibet. Here it was combined with native religions and developed into Lamaism o  Ã‚   Buddhism According to Buddhism, liberation is attained through understanding and practice of the Four Noble Truths: 1. There is suffering in life. 2. Suffering is caused by desire for pleasure, existence, and prosperity. Suffering and rebirth cease when one ceases such desires, leading to enlightenment, or Nirvana, a blessed state in which peace, harmony, and joy are attained. 4. The way, or path, to Nirvana is the Eightfold Path, summarized as: –  Right understanding – Right thoughts – Right speech – Right conduct – Right occupation – Right meditation – Right mindfulness – Right effort The Eightfold Path is also called the Middle Way—because of its emphasis on avoiding such extremes as following sensuous pleasures on the one hand, and self-punishment on the other. The Buddhist must at all times observe the high moral principles described in the Eightfold path, which emphasizes nonviolence and the brotherhood of all. Perhaps the best-known Buddhist scriptures are the Tripitaka (â€Å"Three Baskets†), first written down in Ceylon (Sri Lanka) in authoritative edition was prepared by the Sixth Buddhist Council at Rangoon, Burma, in 1954-56. The three Pitakas are about four times as long as the Bible. C. Other Beliefs of Buddhism Buddhism’s beliefs and teachings are derived from Hinduism although there may be some slight variations in some concepts. Karma is a Sanskrit word of â€Å"action†. The action refers to volitional acts (thoughts, deeds or spoken words that are in the control of a person) as well as the forces that arise resulting form these acts. The law of Karma describes the connection between actions and the resulting forces, like good action results to good Karma while bad action results to bad Karma. Good actions are described in a Buddhist belief in the Noble Eightfold Path. A Noble Eightfold Path is a path of life that has eight stages or phases. This path consists of the right views, right aspiration, right speech, right conduct, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration. Furthermore, the law of Karma states that there is a connection between the moral quality of man’s action to the resulting condition or states. The life he has now is largely dictated by what he said and did in his past life while his next life will be determined by what he is doing and saying now. In other words, the Karma of past, present and future events are connected by the law of cause and effect. For example, if one does something wrong like hurting or killing another human being; he will have to suffer the negative consequences of these actions in his present life or another lifetime. Similarly, if he does something right he will enjoy the positive consequences of that deed in his present or subsequent lifetimes.   It is important to note that the law of Karma is final. No one (including divine intervention) or nothing can stop the law of Karma from operating in a person’s life. In other words, man’s destiny is dictated only by the law of Karma itself. Rebirth as the name implies, is a process of being born over and over again (unless a person attained Nirvana or release from the cycles of birth). In simpler terms, rebirth is nothing more than a movement from one’s old body at death to a new body at birth or conception. Rebirth is necessary for the execution of Karma which needs more than one lifetime to be completed so that it can be rightly said that rebirth is nothing more than the transmission of one’s karma. Only when all accumulated karma is paid for and craving is rooted out from a person’s life that one can enter the stream that leads to Nirvana. But as long as there is delusion, greed, and aversion, which consequently fuels the desire to live, man generate karma. The Buddhists idea of Rebirth, like Karma, is derived from an Indian philosophy of Hinduism. However, the Buddhist concept of rebirth is different from Hinduism because in the Hinduism theory of rebirth there is a transmigration of souls while the Buddhist denies the existence of self or soul (the immortal version of self).   In Buddhism the idea of self or soul is merely an illusion for perceptions, consciousness, mind and body that makes up â€Å"self† is changing. The Buddhists argue that how can there be a self when in fact its composition is not permanent. Furthermore, Buddhists explained that the body is mortal and when it dies, consciousness and all mental activities cease, hence there is no more self and consequently there is no soul. According to Buddhism, liberation is attained through understanding and practice of the Four Noble Truths. First, is that there is suffering in life; Second, suffering is caused by desire for pleasure, existence and prosperity; Third, suffering and rebirth cease when one ceases such desires, leading to enlightenment, or Nirvana, and joy are attained; Fourth, the way or path, to Nirvana is the Eightfold Path summarized as; right understanding, right thoughts, right speech, right conduct, right occupation, right effort, right mindfulness and right meditation.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Parents Support Group Agenda

MINUTES OF PSG MEETING 27TH SEPTEMBER At A. P. I. S. KINDERGARTEN AGENDA Welcome Barbeque International Day Spare school uniform clothes Road safety for children at Kindergarten Forming of a proper PSG committee Quarterly social event for parents Christmas tree lights- Main Campus The meeting began at 2:30pm. The main item was the planned â€Å"Welcome Barbeque† for everyone new to the A. P. I. S. family. The Barbeque is set for the 14th October, just prior to the end of the first semester. Tim Brackley explained that this was the only available date and apologised for the short lead in time left to parents.However, we will receive a lot of support and assistance from the school and Khun Bua, as this is our first big event. A start time of 3:0pm was agreed with an approximate finish to the day of 6:30pm. The venue will be the main school campus around the pool area and people should bring their swimsuits if they would like to use the school’s swimming pool. It was discu ssed and agreed, that the food should be available between 4-5 pm. The menu is Kebabs, BBQ Chicken, salad, Som Tum, Sticky rice, fruit and complimentary water.The cost of this was explained as 150bht per adult and 90bht per child less than 12 years of age. No alcohol is permitted on the school campus and therefore it was felt that, everyone should bring their own soft drinks for the day. (I. e. Coke, Fanta, Sprite etc;) It was suggested that teachers living on campus and student boarders could enjoy the BBQ as their evening meal and that cost could be met by the school. To find out the numbers attending, it was decided to send out an invitation from the Parent Support Group to all parents (and guests? asking for a reply by the 10th October. Further information and price would be included in the invitation and parent volunteers for the children’s grades will collect the money. Volunteers to act as â€Å"Grade Representatives† were asked for and a list compiled. Those pa rents who volunteered to be grade representatives are listed on a separate page for your future reference. To assist these Parent Grade Representatives (PGR’s), it was proposed that, we all wear name badges at the BBQ, to help us get to know each other more easily.This was agreed and each badge would also show the grade of each parent’s child /children. It was agreed this, would help the Grade Representatives, in introducing new parents and students to those of us already part of the APIS family. The Parent Grade Representatives will be the first link of a support system for new parents. This was felt by everyone to be an excellent suggestion. The school has offered to set up equipment for children to play with and there was an offer of live music for the afternoon’s entertainment, which was readily accepted.A proposal that all letters to parents from the PSG should be translated into different languages was discussed at some length. Although, this would be very difficult to do, given the number of different nationalities now represented at the schools two campuses. Two parents volunteered to arrange translations for their language groups. Thai and Korean and our thanks were expressed for their help and support. Mr. Hakjune Kim will arrange translations for our Korean families and Khun Took will do the same for our Thai families.It was pointed out that some parents may be unable to arrange transport up to the main campus for the BBQ and it was suggested we ask for parents to offer any spare seats in their cars for the day. A possible pick up place would be the Kindergarten. This will be mentioned in the newsletter. It was also asked for, that future Newsletters from the PSG include committee members and contact details. This point raised the question for the PSG to formally elect a committee and this matter will be raised at a later meeting.International day – Ms. Holly Gardner came from the main campus to ask parents to begin think ing about the next International Day, which will be in January. School Uniform – Ms. Holly offered the idea of a scheme for passing on items of school uniform, that were in good condition, but which children had outgrown. Parents were asked to consider the ways in which such a scheme could be implemented. This would surely help those parents who operate an eco-friendly recycling program at home to go one step further.Finally and out of position in these minutes, with no apology as this is a very important matter. Road safety at the Kindergarten. Adjan Ladda has addressed this problem in part by arranging for a police officer to monitor and control vehicles stopping and obstructing the road. Everyone present was extremely pleased that, Adjan Ladda done this and gave her full support for her action and a very big thank you from all parents. It was agreed, that all parents can assist with this matter by obeying the police officer’s instructions regarding parking outside t he Kindergarten.A short walk from a sensibly parked car was thought by all at the meeting, to be a better way for parents to deliver or collect their children rather than a child being rushed to hospital seriously injured following an accident involving a dangerously parked car. There being no further matters for discussion at this time the meeting came to a close and everyone was thanked for attending and asked to come to a meeting next Wednesday 3rd October at the Kindergarten at 2:30pm to help finalize arrangements for the BBQ. Tim Brackley

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Economic convergence is the concept that poor economies will Assignment

Economic convergence is the concept that poor economies will eventually catch up with the developed countries - Assignment Example Chile is one of the smaller countries in South American region with one of the most vibrant economies in the region. It is termed as an upper middle income country as per the standards of World Bank. It is also considered as most stable and prosperous nations in the region due to its sustained economic performance. It has been argued that the Chile’s government has kept constant policies sustained over the period of almost three decades witnessing reduction in poverty to almost half. This impressive economic performance of the country has resulted into the narrowing of the gap between Chile and other developed countries as accelerated rate of growth has provided Chile much needed convergence to be part of the fastest growing countries. This literature review will provide a review of existing literature on the subject of economic convergence, growth and financial development in Chile. By reviewing the current literature, this review will offer insight into economic convergence of Chile. Macroeconomic Convergence- Theoretical Framework As mentioned above, there are two different concepts of macroeconomic convergence i.e. beta and sigma convergence. Beta convergence signifies convergence through the per capita income and the later is through convergence of cross sectional dispersion of per capita income. In economic growth literature, word convergence is often used to define the initial economic and subsequent growth. (Jones) Two countries exhibit convergence if the poor country with lower levels of income grows faster than the other. This type of convergence is called beta convergence where absolute convergence can be achieved when the per capita incomes actually converge to a steady level of state. Conditional convergence however occurs when the countries have different level of per capita income and it is also experiencing convergence. This also means that each country is actually converging at its own rate and that in the long run all countries will con verge and growth rates will be equalized. Absolute convergence also suggests the conversion of the growth rates of all the economies over the period of time. The convergence debate is mostly based upon two important models of economic growth i.e. Solow’s growth model as well as the endogenous growth theory. Neo-classical literature suggests that an economy starts to converge when the output is constant and the growth rate is zero. When both these variables are witnessed, a country is believed to be entering into an steady state where it starts to achieve convergence with other countries depending upon the fact that with whom country wants to correlate itself. (Papageorgiou and Perez-Sebastian) Economists have actually attempted to explain this concept by assuming two types of economies i.e. if two countries with same rates of investment, savings, depreciation, population growth rates and technological progress, poorer countries will tend to grow faster than the developed or r ich country. There is however a controversy over the growth models regarding the unconditional convergence especially endogenous growth models are believed to be based upon providing decreasing returns or constant returns to per capita capital. This controversy therefore makes it relatively difficult as growth theories predict convergence however; empirical studies do not tend to support this assertion with the data. Neo-classical models have also failed to find any correlation between

Friday, September 27, 2019

Preliminary Questions for the Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Preliminary Questions for the - Research Paper Example In addition, it has led to reliability because people from any part of the world are able to access the information passed. Seeing as this mode of communication has only come into existence in the last approximately two decades, there has been a lot of controversy surrounding it. As with any new introduction, it has garnered both support and opposition. Those that support it cite the immense benefits and the heavy impact that it has drawn upon communication since its onset. Those that do not support it assert that the establishment of its relevance is quite hard and that it is merely a passing phase. This paper‘s focal point is to illustrate that mobile communication has had an observable and immense impact on the field of communication. The paper’s main subject is to indicate that whether negatively or positively, mobile communication has changed the face and direction of advertising on a long-term basis. One of the most popular means of mobile communication is the use of the social media platform. According to e-marketer, an online statistical site, the number of people subscribed to social media networks in the world totaled down to 1.73 billion as of 2013. This means that social media act as a means of mobile communication as it reaches about 26% of the world population. This is exclusive of other mobile communication means such as mobile texting. This illustrates that mobile communication is one of the only means of advertisement that in actuality affects over a quarter and nearly half of the world’s population. In the same site, they estimated that by 2015, 2.55 billion people would have to social media accounts. Statistically, this indicates that the growth rate for social media subscription stands at 18% annually. This statistic lays out just how relevant mobile communication is on the human populace. Eric Clemmons, an Information professor at the University of Pennsylvania, states that advertising

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Secure Computer System Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Secure Computer System - Essay Example Firewalls are the most common security measures for computer networks. Certain mechanisms are put in place in order to provide adequate security to protect resources on the trusted network against potential access by attackers. There are numerous mechanisms in network security, one of which is the DMZ or Demilitarised Zone. DMZ is a network which is semi-protected and is common to medium scale to large scale enterprise (Pickering, 2009). DMZ has two (2) disadvantages: First, the firewall can be created to pass trusted'' services within the application gateway(s), thus, subverting the policy. The trusted'' services which get passed all around the application gateway typically end up being in contact with the site systems. Another disadvantage is placed on the routers for the provision of security. Packet filtering routers seemed complex to configure and errors could disclose the whole site to security holes (Wack, 2009). Added by Pickering (2003), the application proxy firewalls usually require frequent software updating to run the latest versions of the proxy code. This is important particularly when new exploits are detected, needs to be blocked, and in the event when problems emerge interactions between the proxy as well as widely deployed applications. Meaning, when the proxy is found actually breaking. 3. Using a Microsoft XP or 2000 system, open Internet Explorer. Open Internet Options under the Tools menu. Examine the contents of the Security and Privacy tabs. How can these tabs be configured to provide: a) content filtering, and b) protection from unwanted items like cookies Some actions that Microsoft XP or 2000 system allow a user to do in order to configure content, filtering, and protection from unwanted items like cookies are: 1. To personalize Windows XP settings for each user; and also 2. To assign user to create accounts and passwords in the computer to control the users who can access on the system. In other words, users who are not the "administrators" will have no access, unable to change critical system files or delete it. The system may also be upgraded by logging off from a regular user account, then, logging back in as

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Chapter 2 Discussion Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Chapter 2 Discussion Questions - Essay Example However, there are certain differences between groups and teams which are easily visible. A group is often self-formed and thus a collection of like-minded individuals. As a result, there is more protection of self-esteem, and the feeling of oneness. In addition, no hierarchy and no external influence are allowed. On the other hand, a team is purely based on the idea that it has a shared task and that each individual has a role to play which directly affects the project (p. 35). In addition, a team is essentially task-focused and hence, interactions too are task-oriented. So, it is allowed and common to consult others for practical advice. The most essential feature is the absence of ‘not one of us’ attitude that is seen in a group. In a team, members realize the need to have differently skilled people for task fulfillment. In total, a team is totally focused on the task to be accomplished unlike a group that might stress more on group values. II It is very clear that gr oup cohesion is different from team cohesion. The first difference lies in the fact that group cohesion is, most of the time, a natural mechanism and is based on the ‘we’ feeling of like-minded workers. A group arises when a number of workers find that they have something in common.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

BP LAWSUIT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

BP LAWSUIT - Essay Example The technician reported this as case of child abuse to the police. After this the children’s custody was given to the Arizona Child Protective services for a month, by the government of Arizona. Lisa Demaree got suspended from her job as a school teacher for a year. The Demaree paid the legal fees of $75,000 at the court and proved that they are not guilty. They were cleared from all the charges, but this case made them lost their dignity. Their children’s custody was given back to them on May 21. The Demaree parents claimed that there were only 7 out of 150 pictures which showed little girls with towel around them, exposing some of their nude body parts. The photos showed mild nudity. The Wal-Mart technician misinterpreted, and accused them of child abuse. Richard Treon the lawyer defending the Demaree family said in their support that, there were only seven images subjected to question. These pictures were the one taken in the bathtub and in play time that showed some portion or the outline of genital. (Centor, 2009). Treon made a critical remark on the Child Protective Service saying that it’s the nightmare of every parent that the state has a better idea of parenting their children. He further added that the CPS (Child Protective Service) must find better ways of using their resources. (ross, 2009) As the result of this series of miserable events that caused a great disgrace to the Demaree family, they filed two separate law suits lawsuit. The first one was against the state of Arizona, Peoria and state of attorney general’s office. The Demaree specially accused the assistant attorney general Jennifer hunter, for making libelous comments against the Demarees, at the meeting, where some of their friends and family members came for their support. Lisa Demaree said in an interview to â€Å"Good morning America† that they should have been made aware of the unique policies, if

Monday, September 23, 2019

Breaching Experiment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Breaching Experiment - Research Paper Example For this experiment, in which the student will assume the personality of a FaceBook creeper, the reaction to being a creeper is the most important point. If the social breach succeeds and social norms are compromised, how people react is evidence of mechanisms through which they attempt to combat the breach or make sense of the abnormal behavior (Garfinkel, 2011). Whereas it is expected that lighthearted breaches in the FaceBook creeper experiment will induce curiosity, confusion, and laughter, breaches of a more serious nature are expected to cause anger and anxiety. It was also expected that the experiment would show how uncomfortable people are about unexpected notification or information. The Facebook picture creeper experiment was chosen for this study, in which I had to go through the photo album of an acquaintance on Facebook and comment on about fifteen to twenty photos. These photos were supposed to be more than six months old and the comments were to be posted over a period of three days. In addition, the experiment required that only positive comments were written on the posts, such as â€Å"cute photo† and other positive comments. After posting, I was to check back to identify whether anyone else had commented on photo as a result of my posts and a description of the responses was to be made, as well as a description of how I felt about making these posts. For the experiment, I picked one of my friends from high school, whom I had not seen or talked to for some time and was not a friend on Facebook. I searched for her name on Facebook and identified her photo, after which I made a friend request that was accepted. Immediately after we became friends on the site, I commented on twenty of her photographs from her photo album and, as required by the experiment, I ensured that all my comments on the photos were positive. In the beginning, I commented on only a few photographs

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Oil ALternatives Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Oil ALternatives - Research Paper Example Impacts of Alternative Fuels 1. Environmental Impacts 2. Social Impacts 3. Economic Impacts Conclusion: More research must be done on the various sources of fuel other than oil, in order to identify the most suitable and environmentally beneficial alternative. Karen Duneen Margaret Wilhelm English 1102 24 Apr. 2012 OIL ALTERNATIVES Alternative and effective sources of energy to oil must be found, as oil is a limited resource which is extremely bad for the environment. Oil is a non-renewable energy which is obtained through the drilling of oil reservoirs in particular regions. In the contemporary world, our daily operations are driven by oil (Sherman and Freemuth 6). The industrial world is well aware of the significance of oil in its operations. Ostensibly, oil was a great catalyst of the industrial revolution and was instrumental in enabling the economic advancement of numerous countries. Petroleum is the fuel of choice for industrial equipment while others are run by diesel. In the past coal was the preferable fuel until oil became known as a better alternative. A vast proportion of automobiles for example, are reliant on oil since they encompass oil-dependent engines. In addition, modern ships and boats have a structure that requires oil to propel it to various destinations. The aviation industry also constitutes engines that require the introduction of oil into their systems to enable them to function properly. Evidently commercial industries have been integrated with oil since it is cheaper and widely useful in most of their operations unlike electricity. Petroleum has high-energy capacities; its transportation is relatively easy and efficient in initiating numerous operations (Sherman and Freemuth 6). Its relevance in modern society is growing with most of its producers emanating from the Arab countries such as Saudi Arabia and Iran. Processing of oil also gives rise to several oil products like kerosene, diesel, petroleum, and gasoline. Kerosene is instr umental in cooking and other domestic tasks that require fuel. Invariably, oil is an essential element in the manufacturing of products that comprise of clothing, ink, crayons, paints, upholstery, antiseptics, heart valves and many others. Oil is increasingly becoming essential and thereby its price fluctuates especially in recent years. Recently doubts regarding the abundance of oil are surfacing, together with the detrimental effects of oil pollution to the climate. According to Sherman and Freemuth (7), oil is a finite resource and hence upon exhaustion the suppliers cannot replenish it. This suggests that oil is not adequately dependable as a resource in the end. This element has facilitated the debate of adoption of other renewable resources of power as an alternative to oil. There is a simmering debate over the possibility of replacing oil as the predominant energy resource, due to its limitations. Irrespective of the high-energy capacities of petroleum, it is essential to ack nowledge the fact that oil is a limited reserve. There are dreadful assertions that some of the oil wells could be drying up since there is a reduction in the quantity of oil barrels that they produce. Such a stance also has undesirable ramifications politically, socially, and economically. Evidently, there is an increasing global effort in initiatives resulting from this awareness, for example, the introduction of electric cars and the manufacture of environmentally friendly containers. The alternative sources of energy will mitigate the

Saturday, September 21, 2019

It is not only Hamlet who is transformed Essay Example for Free

It is not only Hamlet who is transformed Essay Something have you heard of Hamlets transformation It is not only Hamlet who is transformed: the concepts of transformation and decay are at the centre of the play both for Shakespeares audience and for modern theatregoers. Discuss. The opening scene of Hamlet is one filled with nervousness and emotional tension. Shakespeare shows this through the language of his characters. Barnardos first line of Whos there followed by Franciscos reply of Nay, answer me. reveals to the audience the agitation of the sentinels. This unstable atmosphere continues throughout the scene and the audience find out that there is a threat from Fortinbras to attack Denmark and the old king has died. Certainty dissolves into rumour showing there is also dislocation in Denmarks society At least the whisper goes so as the people are uncertain about what is going to happen. The play speaks of a strange eruption to the state and so it could be argued that Denmark has gone through a transformation of political power and the state itself has changed. This is because Marcellus speaks of the old Denmark and how hallowd and so gracious is that time when the nights were wholesome. The new Denmark, on the other hand, is a place where the dead are restless and the future of the country is uncertain. The theme of political instability was a significant factor for a 17th century audience who had experienced similar traumas. England had struggled to raise a navy to meet the Spanish Armada in 1588. Shakespeares Denmark is in a state in jeopardy- just as England was after the death of Elizabeth as the public awaited to see who would succeed the throne. Shakespeares first audience could see a scene of their own recent history- and an unsettling reminder of their uncertain future. Like the sentinels, an audience in the 1600s would feel uneasy and sense the dislocation of Denmark. A modern audience understands the instability in the opening scene, however, they would not necessarily be fully aware of its intenseness, as there are different attitudes towards kings and the transmission of power of one regime to the next today. Nevertheless, the opening scene has a dramatic impact on both audiences and although an audience in 1600 would relate to the transformation of the state more than an audience in 2003, both audiences understand that Something is rotten in the state of Denmark. The instability of the natural world affects the different audiences in different ways. The entrance of the Ghost had particular significance to Shakespeares audience; religion and the state were intertwined; ghosts walked the earth and their return signified unfinished business, a threat to the state or buried treasure. In this case, the ghost is seen wearing armour showing that evil must have occurred which harmed the former king: My fathers spirit in arms! All is not well. I doubt some foul play. The arrival of the Ghost establishes the break between this world and the next, the natural and the supernatural. This adds to the idea of transformation of Denmark that has gone from a place of natural stability into a state of constant turmoil where the supernatural and natural are combined. There is a greater dramatic impact on Shakespeares audience when the Ghost arrives because they believed in the supernatural world and therefore would understand this unstableness in the state. Modern audiences, however, would not be fully aware of how significant the arrival of the Ghost is in the play. More people today do not believe in such things as ghosts and the supernatural realm. However, modern audiences would sense that there has been a transformation in the natural order of Denmark, the reasons for this change such as political and moral instability would affect the audience more than the supernatural aspect of the play. Moral issues in Hamlet add to the idea that the state has been transformed. Both audiences would have been shocked to discover the marriage between Claudius and Gertrude having found out that Claudius is the dead kings brother. Shakespeare shows us disgust through the language of his characters. Hamlets line of: O most wicked speed! To post with such dexterity to incestuous sheets! has hissing sibilants that truly show the disgust of the prince and therefore the audience. Shakespeare also emphasises Hamlets repulsion repeatedly with vivid sexual imageries, In the rank sweat of an enseamed bed furthermore increasing our disgust of incest between the Bloat King and his queen. Some among Hamlets first audience would recognise this marriage as a parallel to English history. Claudius kills a king and assumes his throne. Henry VII killed King Richard III at Bosworth and founded a Tudor dynasty on a flawed pedigree. Claudius marries Gertrude his late brothers wife as Henry VIII married his brothers widow, Katharine of Aragon. Shakespeares audience knew how England had suffered because of the immoral involvement between the royals, such as incest and murder, so they could predict that Denmark will suffer because of its king as England did. By relating his play to parts of recent history, Shakespeare relies on his audience to supply the details of what is to come.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effect of Personality on Career Choice

Effect of Personality on Career Choice Which personality factors would be most likely to inform an ambitious choice of career? Discuss in reference to concepts drawn from at least two theories of personality. Personality is a set of psychological processes which emerges from our brain, which defined as ongoing natures that craft the characteristic patterns of interaction with individual’s environment (Goldberg, 1993; Olver and Mooradian, 2003; Parks and Guay, 2009). The relationship between personality and career planning has been researched for decades suggesting that there is a significant relationship between personality factors and career choices, however, practically, wrong career choice are made due to the ignorance of specific personality type of the individuals (Roberts and Robins, 2000; Onoyase and Onoyase, 2009; Hirschi et al., 2010; Gunkel, Schlaegel, Langella, Peluchette, 2010; Hussain et. al , 2012). Therefore, the objective of this article is to discuss compatibilities among career choice decisions and the personality type of the incumbents opting for job because people make decisions of their career choices based on their personality types (Onoyase and Onoyase, 2009 ; Hussain et al., 2012). The first theory that is discussed is on Carl G Jung’s belief personality. His theory led to a self-reported psychological preference framework known as The Myers Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI) which is developed by Kathryn Briggs and Isabel Myers Briggs. The combination of the descriptions of each of the four preferences of the MBTI make up 16 possible personality factors (Blackford, 2010), which indicates the strength of the preference for each dimension (Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013). Fretwell, Lewis, and Hannay (2013) explained that Extraversion and Introversion index reflect where individual prefer to focus their attention, the extroverts receive their sources of energy from the outside world of people, the interactions with people and things are their main focus, and urged to be involved in things. They work quickly and dislike complicated procedures, but they can be impatient at long slow jobs. They prefer oral communication and can communicate freely with others that is why they tend to fall towards careers where there are interactions with others. Where else Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay (2013) explained that for introverts energy comes from the inner world of experience including, concepts, thoughts and ideas. Introvert Individuals tend to be more into facts and more idealistic which explain and underlie what goes on in the world. They tend to gravitate towards careers where ideas need to understood and organised. Introverts are more contemplative, like quiet co ncentration, are careful with details and enjoy working on one project for a long time. They are content to work alone and prefer to utilize written communication (Filbeck et al., 2005; McPherson, 1999; Myers McCaulley, 1989; Opt Loffredo, 2003; Tan Tiong, 1999; Varvel et al., 2004; Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013). The Sensing and Intuition Index reflects how individual receives information around him and perceive the world (Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013). Sensing Individual choose concrete details of a situation using their five senses to discern facts or events (Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013). Sensing types (Blackford, 2010). Individual with intuitive focus on looking at the overall experience as a whole, relying on a sixth sense or personal hunches or insight rather than on the five senses. They enjoy novelty, change and the unusual. Sensing types tend to be more realistic, practical and tend to be attracted to work where the products can be seen and measured while intuitive types focus on the future and the possibilities that it holds and more attracted to work which requires the big picture, a future orientation, such as strategic planning. (Filbeck et al., 2005; Fox-Hines Bowersock, 1995; McPherson, 1999; Myers McCaulley, 1989; Opt Loffredo, 2003; Tan Tiong, 1999; Varvel et al., 200 4; Blackford, 2010; Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013. The Thinking and Feeling index are basic mental processes that reflects the partialities of individuals’ decision making, data processing, and evaluation of perceptions. Logic, facts, and fairness are preference of thinking individuals. They Objective driven and the application of principles to a decision. They are often uncomfortable dealing with the feelings of others. Thinking individuals are more drawn towards careers which require logical analysis such as science, engineering and finance. Those with a feeling preference use personal or social values when making decisions. Their decisions are more subjective in nature, and they consider the impact that their decisions will have on others. They enjoy pleasing others and are more likely to offer appreciation and sympathy. Feeling types individual are drawn to careers where communicating, teaching and helping are valuable tools. (Filbeck et al., 2005; Fox-Hines Bowersock, 1995; McPherson, 1999; Myers McCaulley, 1989; Opt L offredo, 2003; Tan Tiong, 1999; Varvel et al., 2004; Blackford, 2010; Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013). Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay (2013) explained that The Judging and Perceiving index looks at how individual’s preference in organizing and orienting themselves to the external world. Individuals who uses a judging mental processes to focus on leading an organized and orderly life. They are punctual, orderly, seek closure, and prefer control over their lives through detailed planning and collecting enough data to make a decision. They are action-oriented, decisive, and may see things as black and white, which can manifest itself as a closed-minded attitude. Those with a perceiving mental process, they are more spontaneous and open to new ideas. They are more flexible and relaxed; they go with the flow, and resent time constraints because they keep their options open for new developments, deferring decisions in case something new and interesting turns up. They see more greys and tend to be more open-minded. These individuals prefer to adapt to situations rather than control them (Fi lbeck et al., 2005; Fox-Hines Bowersock, 1995; McPherson, 1999; Myers McCaulley, 1989; Varvel et al., 2004; Blackford, 2010; Fretwell, Lewis, Hannay, 2013). After reviewing each personality factors in the Myers Briggs Type Inventory, Davies (2008) concluded that itis a personality preference rather than a trait instrument. There are no right or wrong answers or better or worse personality types to be in making a career choice. All the sixteen possible personality types are good and have the potential for development. Blackford (2010) acknowleged that the MBTI is not about pigeon-holing people and forcing them into one box, rather to raise awareness of one’s own strengths and areas for development. However, Different theory have different explanation too, like the Five-Dimension Personality Model also known as the Big Five Model in personality research (Goldberg, 1992; Sucier and Goldberg, 1998; Hussain et al., 2012). The Model consist of five personality trait, first,opennessess to experience which is the inclination to be imaginative, independent, and interested in variety (Hussain et al., 2012). Conscientiousness is the affinity to be prepared, chary, and disciplined. Third, Extraversion which is the propensity to be gregarious, fun-loving, and warm (Hussain et al., 2012). Fourth, the tendency to be sympathetic, trusting, and supportive is termed as Agreeableness (Hussain et al., 2012). Lastly, the tendency to be anxious, emotionally unstable and self-blaming known as neuroticism (Goldberg, 1993; Hussain et al., 2012). According to Hussain et. al, (2012), he actually associated a few of the career choices with the Five Factor Models, as he made a few claims based on the career choice such as managers and executives, where the job scope requires individual to manage or execute things perfectly demands strong social interaction ability in individuals and it demands attitude ready to accept changes in external environment (Hussain et al., 2012). First he claimed that, individuals who is either ranked high on conscientiousness and agreeableness will do better in such career because as they have to manage the things on right time, be well predicted in an investigative style (Judge et al., 1999; Hussain et al., 2012) and ready to perform their operations for smooth run of their organization (Hussain et al., 2012). Second, low in neuroticism level because managers and leaders have to deal with decision makin, money and other resource pressures which tend to make them fright, traumatic and emotionally unst ablized. Therefore, there is a need to be emotionally strong and have capability to cope up with certain pressures in a well mannered and realistic way (Judge et al., 1999; Hussain et al., 2012) way. Lastly, ranked average on openess to experience and extraversion will too, do better in such careers, because in order to allow negotiations to be successful, they need to at least have moderate capability of arguing and clarifying their point of view easily and conventionally (Barrick and Mount, 1991; Hussain et al., 2012). On the aspect of career choice like Entrepreneurship, Individuals with high ranking on openness to experience and conscientiousness take broad initiative and risky moves (Howard and Howard, 1995; Hussain et al., 2012). to start new projects and to expand their businesses in more dynamic world (Zhao and Seibert, 2006; Hussain et al., 2012). More the experience and interactions they have, more they will perceive the pits and falls in operationalisation of their new schemes and plans (Ackerman and Beier, 2003; Hussain et al., 2012). Moreover, high openness to experience of someone helps him out in learning and adapting new changes in their surroundings (Zhao and Seibert, 2006; Hussain et. al, 2012). In this way, they will more likely be effective in coping up hindrances and difficulties faced by them (Aldridge, 1997; Hussain et. al, 2012). Entrepreneurs have to deal with risk and returns always, so, they must be very conscious and careful in their investments (Barrick and Mount, 1991; H ussain et. al, 2012) in order to achieve the optimal results and to maximize their returns. They need to be compact and managed in their acts for the smooth run of their business (Zhao and Seibert, 2006; Hussain et. al, 2012). Therefore, a high rank on the conscientiousness personality trait helps them to be very careful and best planners (Aldridge, 1997; Hussain et. al, 2012). or high on neuroticism perso nality trait will perform better in career choice in entrepreneurs. Individual who decide on non-profit oriented and social professions there is a keen need to feel for others and have tendency to help out others sacrificing own rest, peace and some time resources (Barrick and Mount, 1991; Hussain et. al, 2012). Secondly, there must also be a propensity to trust others and to interact with others. Lastly, emotions are need of these professions but they should also be at least strong enough not to be depressed enough that can derail their will power and dominance to exhibit their internal strengths (Cattell and Mead, 2008; Hussain et. al, 2012). Therefore, individual with high agreeableness and extraversion personality traits or average on neuroticism scale will excel more likely in non-profit or social making and helping profession (Hussain et. al, 2012). Public Sector professionals demand self-discipline, self-control, management and conscientiousness in each step in order to succeed. Punctuality and practicality are the key symbols of public sector organizations. People with sound emotional capabilities are more likely to be accomplishing their given assignments rather than who fail in stressful and time bound environment (Cattell and Mead, 2008). People who rank high on conscientiousness or low on neuroticism are more likely to excel in public sector careers in their life. Scientists and researchers or other practitioner shave to cope up with different complex nature of problems and obstacles that need more than an ordinary look. For that, they need to be very experienced, sensitive, open to learn and perceive new things and to deduce newness from old rigid thoughts (Cattell and Mead, 2008). The more a person is exposed to an environment, the more he or she will have the capability and strength to cover all aspects of single problem. Therefore, he or she will be more likely to introduce new ways of solving a single problem. (Ackerman and Beier, 2003, Capretz, 2003). Individual ranking high on openessness or low on extraversion to experience are more likely to be successful in research, science and engineering cadres. In conclusion, different personality factors such as the traits from Five Factor Model can indicate a striving motivation to attain ambitious career choice. Ambitious career such as entrepreneurship, managerial or executive positions and social or non-profit organization professions, has been demonstrated to have relate to personality factors such as Conscientiousness, Openness to experiences, Agreeableness and Extraversion. A high level of conscientiousness and openness to experiences seems to relate to pursing of entrepreneurship and managerial positions. On the other hand, a high level of agreeableness and extraversion seems to relate to pursuing a career of social or non-profit professions field. In addition, individuals who are high in neuroticism are less likely to pursue ambitious choice of career as they are often too overwhelmed by their emotions, which impact their ability in making major choices and handle pressure which is unavoidable in an ambitious career. Furthermore, a moderately high in psychoticism may be acceptable as it could aid in pursing ambitious career such as scientist, as it requires highly creative thinking style to achieve impactful discovery, but further research in this area still needs to be examine in order to obtain more credibility. Overall, all of the traits in Five Factor Model (Except neuroticism) and Psychoticism are likely to inform an ambitious career choice.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement Essay -- Philosophy of E

My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement I believe that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially, and academically. It is my desire as a future educator to help students meet their fullest potential by providing an environment that is safe, supports risk-taking, and invites a sharing of ideas. There are two elements that I believe are essential to establishing such an environment, (1) allowing the child’s natural curiosity to direct his/her learning, and (2) promoting respect for all things and all people. Giving children the opportunity to study things that are meaningful and relevant to one’s life and interests is what progressivism is all about. I believe education should be child-centered and focused on having students acquire problem solving skills. For a child to have a successful educational experience, their curriculum must be individualized to meet their needs and interests. Children should be encouraged to improve, but not pushed to achieve past the level appropriate for them at a particular time. If curriculum is related to life experiences that a child understands, it will be easier for them to comprehend and it will have more lasting meaning to them. Another aspect of progressivism that I will incorporate in my classroom, is teaching my students about multiculturalism, including peop... My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement Essay -- Philosophy of E My Educational Goals and Philosophy Statement I believe that each child is a unique individual who needs a secure, caring, and stimulating atmosphere in which to grow and mature emotionally, intellectually, physically, socially, and academically. It is my desire as a future educator to help students meet their fullest potential by providing an environment that is safe, supports risk-taking, and invites a sharing of ideas. There are two elements that I believe are essential to establishing such an environment, (1) allowing the child’s natural curiosity to direct his/her learning, and (2) promoting respect for all things and all people. Giving children the opportunity to study things that are meaningful and relevant to one’s life and interests is what progressivism is all about. I believe education should be child-centered and focused on having students acquire problem solving skills. For a child to have a successful educational experience, their curriculum must be individualized to meet their needs and interests. Children should be encouraged to improve, but not pushed to achieve past the level appropriate for them at a particular time. If curriculum is related to life experiences that a child understands, it will be easier for them to comprehend and it will have more lasting meaning to them. Another aspect of progressivism that I will incorporate in my classroom, is teaching my students about multiculturalism, including peop...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

All the Pretty Horses Essay -- All Pretty Horses Essays

All the Pretty Horses John Grady is not your average cowboy. All the Pretty Horses is not your typical coming-of-age story. This is an honest tale. Cormac McCarthy follows John Grady as he embarks on his journey of self-discovery across the border. Armed with a few pesos in his pocket, a strong horse and a friend at his side, John Grady thinks he’s ready to take on the Wild West of Mexico. At their final steps in America, a stranger, aged thirteen, joins our heroes. This unexpected variable named Blevins challenges John Grady, testing his character and pushing him to uncomfortable limits. The dynamic of their relationship reveals John Grady’s capacity to care for others as he shelters this kid from the hardships of reality and the foolhardiness of youth. The journey into Mexico demonstrates his readiness to be recognized as a man, but when the critical moment arrives, John Grady’s will fails to meet unforeseen demands. His inability to speak at this crucial juncture acts as a mirror f or self-reflection, returning him to the beginning. Coming out of the horizon, Blevins approaches John Grady and his comrade, Rawlins, uninvited. John Grady poses half a dozen pointed questions, deliberately accusing Blevins of lying. His eyes study Blevins, calmly taking in the stranger. He doesn’t ask for an explanation or the details of his trip nor does he offer Blevins companionship. â€Å"Is that your hat? he said† (40), suggesting Blevins isn’t a legitimate cowboy, let alone a man. John Grady subtly establishes himself as the power to be reckoned with, the superior cowboy. His assertion is self-serving, a justification to himself that he is capable of the journey ahead. It’s also a demonstration for Rawlins’ sake, to assure him that they are... ...s, the boundaries of his emotional strength. John Grady could not speak on behalf of Blevins because he is not ready to let go of his youthful innocence. The mantle of responsibility is too heavy to bear. Blevins haunts John Grady’s mind. Beautiful daydreams of Alejandra transform themselves into thoughts of Blevins, but he never voices his guilt—until he returns to America. John Grady’s remorse manifests itself in a dogged determination to return Blevins’ horse to his family in America. Through this tangible form of repentance, John Grady is proving to himself that he’s capable of doing Blevins’ memory a final justice. His dream of Mexico is no longer a possibility, defeated by his conscience. He earnestly recognizes his need to start over and return to America. John Grady may have failed his initial adventure, but he came out of Mexico a stronger person for it. All the Pretty Horses Essay -- All Pretty Horses Essays All the Pretty Horses John Grady is not your average cowboy. All the Pretty Horses is not your typical coming-of-age story. This is an honest tale. Cormac McCarthy follows John Grady as he embarks on his journey of self-discovery across the border. Armed with a few pesos in his pocket, a strong horse and a friend at his side, John Grady thinks he’s ready to take on the Wild West of Mexico. At their final steps in America, a stranger, aged thirteen, joins our heroes. This unexpected variable named Blevins challenges John Grady, testing his character and pushing him to uncomfortable limits. The dynamic of their relationship reveals John Grady’s capacity to care for others as he shelters this kid from the hardships of reality and the foolhardiness of youth. The journey into Mexico demonstrates his readiness to be recognized as a man, but when the critical moment arrives, John Grady’s will fails to meet unforeseen demands. His inability to speak at this crucial juncture acts as a mirror f or self-reflection, returning him to the beginning. Coming out of the horizon, Blevins approaches John Grady and his comrade, Rawlins, uninvited. John Grady poses half a dozen pointed questions, deliberately accusing Blevins of lying. His eyes study Blevins, calmly taking in the stranger. He doesn’t ask for an explanation or the details of his trip nor does he offer Blevins companionship. â€Å"Is that your hat? he said† (40), suggesting Blevins isn’t a legitimate cowboy, let alone a man. John Grady subtly establishes himself as the power to be reckoned with, the superior cowboy. His assertion is self-serving, a justification to himself that he is capable of the journey ahead. It’s also a demonstration for Rawlins’ sake, to assure him that they are... ...s, the boundaries of his emotional strength. John Grady could not speak on behalf of Blevins because he is not ready to let go of his youthful innocence. The mantle of responsibility is too heavy to bear. Blevins haunts John Grady’s mind. Beautiful daydreams of Alejandra transform themselves into thoughts of Blevins, but he never voices his guilt—until he returns to America. John Grady’s remorse manifests itself in a dogged determination to return Blevins’ horse to his family in America. Through this tangible form of repentance, John Grady is proving to himself that he’s capable of doing Blevins’ memory a final justice. His dream of Mexico is no longer a possibility, defeated by his conscience. He earnestly recognizes his need to start over and return to America. John Grady may have failed his initial adventure, but he came out of Mexico a stronger person for it.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Hemp Rediscovered :: essays papers

Hemp Rediscovered â€Å"Make the most of the hemp seed and sow it every where,† a quote by George Washington in 1794 (qtd. In â€Å"Get the Scoop†). In early American history hemp was an essential crop, it was used to make rope, sails, lamp oil, and almost anything else. Henry ford built a car out of hemp than ran on hemp fuel oil. The original Levi jeans were fashioned out of hemp fibers. And even the first drafts of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution were written on hemp paper (â€Å"Get The Scoop†). In fact, hemp was one of the largest produced crops in the US until it’s demise in 1937 under the Marihuana Tax Act. This act of congress was aimed at Americas newest enemy, marijuana or cannabis sativa C, but the bill also criminalized the cultivation of marijuana’s cousin cannabis sativa L, commonly referred to as hemp. Hemp had one more day in the spot light in 1942 when it was called into battle in World War II under a flag that read à ¢â‚¬Å"Hemp for victory† (â€Å"About†). The Tax Act was quickly reenacted after the war and hemp has not been grown legally on American soil since. The reason hemp is such a valuable plant, is that it grows fast, dense, and easily. The germination period for hemp is about one hundred days depending on the application for which it is being used (â€Å"About†). In comparison with other cash crops this is good, but in comparison with some of the resources it can replace, such as trees and fossil fuel, there is nothing better. Hemp provides a much higher yield than other American cash crops, and can be used for so many things that it’s market value should remain stable with increased production. Also, hemp can be grown without pesticides and it actually replenishes the soil so it can be rotated with other crops to produce higher yields of bath (Field 1). The maintainability of the hemp industry relies on demand, but with hemp’s 25,000 different uses this is no great barrier (â€Å"About†). With current processing technology every part of the cannabis sativa L plant is useful. The seeds can he hulled and used in food for flavor and as a protein supplement. These seeds can also be crushed into hemp-seed oil which is used as lamp oil or as a moisturizing ingredient in cosmetics and soaps.

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Unforgiving Minute

The Unforgiving Minute Craig Mullaney definitely made many challenges for himself and accepted challenges from others with no questions asked. Being the thriving Valedictorian of his high school class and earning other prestigious accolades he stood out from the other entire student. But at West Point, Mullaney would be intertwined with hundreds of other classmates with the same, if not more achievements, making it seemingly impossible to be any kind of a predominant student. Mullaney learned from West Point not only strategies for battle, but also the reasons for someone to go into battle in the first place.Craig came from a strong Catholic upbringing being in a catholic school system where he went to confession routinely, â€Å"confessing all of the shortcomings that he faced during the week whatever it was, from losing a wrestling match to missing homework†, that had been taunting his conscience and where he was taught to â€Å"sanctify others, seeing even our enemies in t he image of god† Now he is being asked to do things that conflict those beliefs immensely, such as running a dummy attacker through with a bayonet, and he starts to question his situation, â€Å" I wasn’t sure that I wanted to be a warrior, a professional trained to kill†.So in search of an answer to his question he goes to the Catholic chaplain for better insight. The priest talked to him about believing in a just war, and that â€Å"war, although always horrible, is sometimes necessary to stop a greater evil†. This lesson that Mullaney received from the priest, would better break him in for his future experiences at West Point. But being at West Point strengthened his academics by its uniquely high physical and mental demand. Its demand to be active in a sport in which Craig chose Wrestling gave a harder challenge because of its incredibly strenuous practices and tough competition.Craig was an all state wrestler in high school but in West Point he was in ferior to most and had to fight hard to win any matches. The strict rules of West Point were bountiful and diverse from the public display of affection, to making your bed good enough to bounce a quarter off of it, all to make a disciplined and reliable cadet. As far as being a student goes, Mullaney was always learning especially when he went to West Point but also when he went to Ranger School.There he learned the fundamentals of leading a team trough the harshest of missions, whether it is cold, wet, the group is totally sleep deprived and exhausted he learned how to motivate and be the one who knows all the questions. Though sometimes he didn’t know the question such as when he got lost leading his platoon and had to perform the grueling exhausting task all over again which supported a lesson Ranger school taught him, â€Å"real roads never look as they did on a map†. What Ranger School taught Mullaney about being a soldier is, really, everything.From the disciplin e needed to burn the midnight oil for days straight while still being mentally sharp, to learning how to read maps. His leading skills were really put to the test though, when he had to guide his platoon through miles and miles of rugged terrain, while being responsible for their lives and having to keep track of them when they wonder off because of lack of sleep, and follow a lightning bug. While attending Oxford Mullaney broadened his academic horizons when he was at Lincoln college.He signed up for lectures of all sorts to see what the school had to offer. He said he learned more about drinking than anything and that it was a great transition from West Point, from everything being laid out and strict, to less demanding and stress. Well my experiences in high school didn’t have much of an impact on my leadership skills except in football. Being an upperclassman I was looked up to, and I took on that responsibility to make them into better football players.I took a few AP cl asses in high school to better prepare me for college and I know It helped me a lot with the transition by getting me familiar with reading a lot more and relying on myself to get things done that are laid out on the syllabus. ——————————————– [ 1 ]. The Unforgiving minute, A Soldier’s Education. Craig M. Mullaney (Penguin Books 2009). 30 [ 2 ]. The Unforgiving Minute. 30 [ 3 ]. The Unforgiving Minute. 30 [ 4 ]. The Unforgiving Minute. 106

Consent searches in the Fourth Amendment Essay

The Fourth Amendment provides provisions that protect citizens from searches and seizures that are unreasonable. However, the individuals may waive their rights by consenting to searches. This essay is aimed at listing (Zalman, 2010), describing and explaining the rules regarding consent searches and providing a case study to illustrate the rules. When the court is called up on to determine whether consent was given for a search, it puts into consideration several issues. The first is that it considers the age, background and mental capacity of the subject. When the officer is seeking consent from the subject, he or she should not show weapons as that is considered to be coercive. In short, the officer should not use aggression to get the consent (Stephens & Glenn, 2006). The other rule is founded in the case Monroe v. Pape (1961) and which is based on the time the consent is sought. The rule requires officers to desist from seeking consents at night. Attempting to conduct a search at night is seen as evil and in a most obnoxious form (Zalman, 2010). Conclusion In conclusion, the law provides a waiver for the rights of protection from searches and seizures and the Fourth Amendment. However, the rules that govern such a waiver are so strict such that, an officer may find himself in breach easily if care is not exercised. These rules cover issues such as the mental capacity, age, time of getting the consent and the manner of soliciting such consent. As mentioned, care has to be exercised or otherwise the search constitutes a breach. References Zalman, M. (2010). Criminal Procedure : Constitution and Society, Sixth Edition. Prentice Hall.Hess, K. Orthman, C. H., & Cho, H. (2014). Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. Cengage Learning. Top of Form Stephens, O. H., & Glenn, R. A. (2006). Unreasonable searches and seizures: Rights and liberties under the law. Santa Barbara, Calif. [u.a.: ABC-Clio. Bottom of Form Source document

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Pride in Beowulf, Paradise Lost and Gulliver’s Travels Essay

The theme of pride has been treated in various literary texts – from the Old Testament to current literature. The scripture says: â€Å"Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before stumbling. † (Proverbs. 16:18) Pride has various consequences in varied circumstances. Religion views it as a sin, but pride is also used as a sentiment of honor associated with one’s family, nation, or profession which we glorify. In a sense pride is a kind of overstretched or excessive confidence in one’s power. It is necessary to a certain degree for the preservation of one’s dignity, but beyond that limit it is bad like excessive eating and drinking. Moreover, sometimes people are accused of pride even when its merits shine brighter than modesty. Oxford English Dictionary (online) defines pride as: â€Å"A high, esp. an excessively high, opinion of one’s own worth or importance which gives rise to a feeling or attitude of superiority over others; inordinate self-esteem. † In Beowulf king Hrothgar warns Beowulf against pride after his thumping victory over Grendel. In Gulliver’s Travels it is pride that leads to war as well as peace, in Paradise Lost Satan’s pride leads to his fall from heaven to hell, yet he continues his battle with pride and zeal. There are many proud moments in Beowulf’s life. The hero gains victory against colossal monsters thrice: first in his unarmed battle against Grendel, then with his chosen comrades against Grendel’s mother with some divine help, and finally his killing of the fire-breathing flying dragon in old age when he is mortally wounded and dies a hero’s death. But Beowulf’s innate humility is never affected by his outstanding success and even the offer of the crown and people’s adoration. As Hrothgar gives him a hero’s welcome and praises God for helping him with the gold hilt sword, â€Å"Take your place, then, with pride and pleasure,/ and move to the feast. † (ll. 1882-83) and then he examines the mighty gold hilt offered by Beowulf. He delivers a sermon on pride: â€Å" O flower of warriors, beware of that trap/†¦Do not give way to pride. / For a brief while your strength is in bloom/ but it fades quickly;† (ll. 759-1763). He talks wisely about the transience of human youth and power and cites his own example of ignoring the shape of things to come: â€Å"hard reversal from bliss to grief. Grendel struck/after lying in wait†. (ll. 174-76) So the word pride has been used in both good and bad senses. In Gulliver’s Travels pride has another dimension. OED also define pride as: â€Å"A consciousness of what befits, is due to, or is worthy of oneself or one’s position; self-respect; self-esteem, esp. of a legitimate or healthy kind or degree. Though of pigmy size the Lilliputians are highly efficient people proud of their skill. They feed, cloth and manage the Mountain man effectively and even with his help avoid a war with the Blefuscu. Only in Lilliput Gulliver is amazed to find the emperor and his administration strictly honors the rule of reward and punishment. In Brobdingnag Gulliver meets giants who are so honorable and civilized that they shudder at the mention of war and ammunitions. The imaginary lands and peoples provide Swift an opportunity of launching a scathing attack on the pride of English way of life. In spite of great intellectual powers, his pride turns out to be vanity. His overriding ambition to become a great literary man stood in the way of marriage to either â€Å"Stella† or â€Å"Vanessa†, and a man who hated children created a classic of children’s literature. His own obituary reveals the proud author and his works: â€Å"The body of Jonathan Swift, Doctor of Divinity, is buried here, where fierce indignation can tear his heart no more. Go traveler and imitate, if you can, one who strove with utmost to champion human liberty. In Milton’s Paradise Lost Satan defies the Almighty God and his angels to wage a war and seize power in heaven. Though he is hurled into hell as punishment, he provides leadership to his demoralized followers and with Beelzebub’s help holds a conference to wage â€Å"eternal war† against God. Like a proud leader with strategic insight he converts this defeat as a springboard for the next battle and accordingly inspires his followers with a thunderous call: â€Å"What though the field be lost? All is not lost: the unconquerable will,/ And study of revenge, immortal hate,†(ll. 105-07) He instills a confidence in his comrades that victory and defeat are in the hands of the fighters. So his clarion call to his army is addressed to boost their morale and shake off their depression: â€Å"Awake, arise, or be for ever fallen! †. (l. 330) The uncompromising nature of Satan is revealed in his speech: â€Å"our better part remains/ to work in close design, by fraud or guile,† (Bk. I. ll. 645-46) and his continual emphasis on victory: â€Å"For who can think submission? War then, war/ open or understood must be resolved. † (ll. 661-62) The opposition leader often resorts to disparaging remarks and undermining the image of his rival as Satan debunks God, â€Å"Who now triumphs, and in excess of joy/ sole reigning holds the tyranny of heaven. † (ll. 123-24) Satan shows the right mindset of a winner who would not accept anything short of victory as he speaks candidly about it: â€Å"To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell:/ Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven. (Bk. I. ll. 262-63) Satan represents the freedom-loving individualist who also demonstrates great pragmatic sense by adapting himself to the harsh realities of Hell and consoles himself with his psychological insight: â€Å"The mind is its own place, and in itself/ Can make a Heaven of Hell, a Hell of Heaven. † (Bk. I. ll. 254-255) From Beowulf, Gulliver’s Travels to Paradise Lost pride has evolved from good to bad and the worst; it has also passed through religious as well as secular ramifications.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Othello Portia and Desdemona Essay

Othello, Portia and DesdemonaIntroductionThey say art lives forever, while some say that nothing lasts forever, but nothing is as timeless in literature as the works of one William Shakespeare and his play, A midsummer Nights Dream. The plays have two different versions that follow the play closely, but they are as dissimilar as night and day. The first production of this play opened the New York City Ballet in April, 1964 at the New York State Theater. The second was a BBC production in 1981. These plays are different as much as they are similar. For example, in Act 3, Scene 2, the scene is mainly set up in the forest. In the 1981 version, the woods are fairly vague, which indicates a backdrop that has been painted? Even with color, there seems to lack the element of life and suspense. A similarly painted moon hangs on the backdrop of a similarly painted sky which makes things look more static and less lively. This version of the BCC Company focuses more on the development of characters rather than on the blend of character with a realistic backdrop. The Hollywood version of the play has tall and dark trees that make the forest seem haunted. The scene is big and to some extent overwhelming. In the 1980s things returned to a more conservative trend. Puck, for example, is a mysterious goblin or fairy who is full of mischief and riddles. The BBC version shows him to be a teenager who is darker than he is humorous. He also has pitch black hair and also wears fangs, which makes him a scary character in the play. In the Hollywood version of the play, Puck is a small boy rather than the presumed magical fairy. Although they speak the same lines, they have completely different attitudes. For example, in the BBC version, he sounds as if he is fed up while, in the Hollywood version, he sounds very much amused. Another distinct difference in the production of the play in both eras is in the mode of dressing of the characters. Hermia, for example, can be portrayed as either weak or strong depending on the director. In the 1981 version of it, she is portrayed as a strong and sweet lady full of emotions. She is passionate and she is in touch with her feelings. However, she is dressed in attire from the 1600s while, in the 1964 version, she is dressed in attire from the middle ages. In the 1964 version, she looks more like a fairy tale character. This way, she is not portrayed as a strong woman but a gentle and sweet eye candy. In the 1060s, women were viewed differently than they were in the 1980s. In the 1980s, women could have some opinion regarding their lives and issues that affected them. Another distinct difference in both plays is the fact that love was viewed differently by the society in both eras. Demetrius is in love with Hermia and at the same time, trying hard to get rid of Helena who has fallen in love with him, which angers him. In the 1981 version, he has dark hair and a goatee and in some way resembles a musketeer. When Puck bestows some magic on him, he suddenly becomes sweet and understanding and at the same time determined to get what he wants. In the 1964 version, he has no facial hair and he is more than perturbed by the persistence of Helena on her cause. Here, he pushes her away gently unlike the brutal way he puts her off in the 1981 version. This only shows two eras that the dramatic expressions and dismissals of love were taken differently. In the 1981 version, Helena is whiney and very confused. She dresses just like Hermia, but she is not quite as pretty as she is. In the 1964 version of the same play, she sounds very heartbroken and sad. In 1981, Helena made a speech that is more or less dramatic and demanding of attention according to recent times and cultures. In the 1964 version, she starts as a girl whose heart has been broken but ends up getting angry towards the end of her speech. This reflects on both cultures at the time whereby, in the 1980s, women could express their views, which included sudden outbursts. In the 1964 era, women were more conservative of their words and not much could trigger outbursts that were looked down upon. It is noteworthy that more distinct differences in both productions are not only limited to characters. They are also present in the overall scenes. For example, a big fight that happens in the forest was more physical in the 1981 version of the play. They splash severally in the puddles and often get in each others’ faces and the end, Hermia is both hurt and appalled. Helena, on the other hand, is confused. In the 1964 version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, the forest fight is more in a lively spirit and jest as compared to the previous aggressive play. Here, Helena does more scorning and Hermia gets angry at her for this. In conclusion, it is my personal opinion as a lover of plays, that the BBC version of 1981 best captures modern situations and responses to a situation such as anger and love. On the other hand, the Hollywood version of 1964 best depicts the Elizabethan times when life was less complicated and women had limited voices. Now, they just yell, scorn and dismiss in public even the most private of issues. Shakespeare’s Hamlet is rife with different themes, spectacular in fact but all the more, precise in their execution. The theme of abused women stands out in its own right, especially when Ophelia comes to question. Trust is the most formidable show of humility besides love in Shakespeare’s plays, but they each stand out in his or her own right. Trust and love becomes the joy and the demise of many female characters in Shakespeare’s plays. However strong they feel for each other, some die at the hands of their spouses while some lose the meaning of the word love. Just like Lavina, Ophelia is a victim to much abuse from the men that she trusts in her life. The act of trusting and depending on the men in her life costs Ophelia her sanity and ultimately her life. Both Ophelia’s irreconcilable attachment to Polonius and Hamlet as individuals, and holding on to the values of chastity and sensual love as ultimate goals leads to her demise. Both Ophelia and Lavina have a similarity in that they are both motherless and have been cared for by their fathers. Ophelia is obedient and pretty much naive, much like most female characters in Shakespearean books and plays. Even in the midst of her madness, she still keeps the simplicity and the purity that characterizes her. Lavina, daughter to Titus Andronicus is the quintessential good girl of the Shakespearean times. She is chaste, obedient and very quiet as was required of her, exactly like Ophelia. She is raped and thereafter mutilated by Chiron and Demetrius who cut her tongue off and her hands so that she is unable to identify them either in writing or speech. Just like Ophelia is used as a pawn by Polonius and subsequently held in a hall where she spends most days, Lavina is denied the right to speak by her abusers. It is true to say that their naivety is the main cause for their tragedy that comes in untimely yet crude fashions. If they had known better, they would have stayed clear and taken caution. Desdemona is one of the characters in Shakespeare’s Othello. She is a Venetian beauty who enrages and disappoints her father by the unforgivable act of eloping with Othello. He is a man several years her senior who is later deployed to Cyprus to serve the Republic of Venice, and Desdemona accompanies him. As time goes by, Othello’s ensign, Lago manipulates him to believing that Desdemona is an adulteress, and in the final act, Othello murders her. Portia, on the other hand, is an also a beautiful and gracious, yet rich heiress whose father has imposed conditions for her hand in marriage. Her father insists that her suitors choose one of three boxes, either of gold, silver or lead. These suitors are mainly princess from other lands, but Portia is in love with Bassanio who is not royalty. Portia’s father had imposed these conditions for marriage just to make sure that her daughter would be loved for who she was and not because of her wealth. Much like Desdemona and Portia, Jessica breaks her father’s heart when she steals from him and elopes with her lover Lancelot. Desdemona elopes with her lover and gets married in the absence of her father, Portia does not follow the rules her father sets out for her condition in marriage, and Jessica steals and elopes with her father’s ducats and servant. It is a betrayal by daughters to their fathers who seem to control to them, even from the grave. However, these fathers are more concerned about the financial well-being of their daughters’ futures rather than their happiness. The norm of love in Shakespearean writings may be described as being a passion the kindles the heart and brain and makes somebody as senseless as the day he or she was born. Girls like Hermia, Desdemona, Imogen, Portia, Jessica, Juliet and Anne Page all look forward to marriage without turning their affections elsewhere. Religion is a major theme that appears in Shakespeare’s Othello. Enmity is created on both the religious and economic fronts. Since the Turks are Moslems, Othello has no regard for them and even insults them by calling one of them ‘a circumcised dog.’ He is a Christian by religion and as well, fights for Christians. The incident of the handkerchief obsesses Othello and the anger connects him to a pre-Christian or a pre-Moslem belief. At first, he says that he is going to chop Desdemona into bits but later prepares to kill her as a sacrifice. Once he realizes what he has done, he takes his own life as he once killed the Turk (he is executing the Turk he sees that he has become who is anti-Christian). During the Shakespearean times, England was mainly protestant while Spain was a Catholic nation. However, after the invasion of Spain, Catholics gained ground and more English converted. Although it is not clearly known which denomination, Shakespeare was following the Catholic secretly, while it is believed that he was a member of the newly formed Anglican Church. Before the time of his birth, the Elizabeth Religious Settlement served the Church of England exclusively and, therefore, the Roman Catholic Church was surprises. Scholars claim that there was evidence that Shakespeare’s family were secretly Catholic followers and that he took up the line. The likeness of Othello to Shakespeare is that they both have a secret admiration of the religion that is loathed and looked down upon. Othello saw himself as a Moslem after he killed Desdemona, while Shakespeare is a secret follower of the Catholics. Character defines a man; wisdom defines great men while love defines a lot of things, inclusive of idiocrity and naivety among men. Love has brought great men to their knees while the same love has elevated other men to unimaginable heights. Material wealth has been acquired through many unscrupulous actions but the best of them has been through love. Some have inherited it; some have worked for it while some have married into it. In this life, it is only normal for a woman to marry into riches, but in the Merchant of Venice, the tables have turned. Bassanio, a poor fellow has his sights on a beautiful heiress, primarily not for her beauty, but for the fortune that is her name. He explains to Antonio that in Belmont, there’s a lady who has been richly left, who is fair and nothing about her has been undervalued. He uses words such as value to indicate his intention to get her hand in marriage, and become part of the wealthy. Bassanio sets out to impress Portia in a bid to win her hand in marriage but he has to borrow money from his friend, Antonio. He asks that Antonio thinks of his lending as an investment into the future, because Bassanio was sure of winning her hand and becoming the husband of a rich lady. When Portia is informed of the arrival of Bassanio, the young Venetian, she and Nerrisa rush to see him, giddy like school girls. She has affection for the young lad but she cannot break the rules for her hand in marriage. She has to let him play the game like all other suitors have done and if he would lose, he would lose her forever, and he would not e allowed to marry another lady. At first, Bassanio’s love for wealth and a lavish lifestyle trumps any feeling that he might have had for Portia initially but after her realizes this, affection for her grows. When the prince of Morocco fails to win Portia’s hand, she is more than happy and wishes that all men of such color face the same fate. However, the request to play music when Bassanio is about to pick a casket is features as witty and out of sheer love. The song she plays only leads to the choice that Bassanio makes, as Portia secretly directs him with the words of her song. Why Bassanio chose the Lead casket instead of the golden one is something of a mystery of the heart. If Bassanio would have listened to his head, he should have chosen the golden or the silver casket because he was in so much debt. He did not value Portia as a regular woman, but the girl born with a silver or golden spoon. The song that Portia sings while he chooses the casket is the only indication that Bassanio would have made the wrong choice had he not heard it. In addition to that, the arrival of Bassanio had made Portia inclined to delay his choosing of the casket so that they would have had a few moments together. The brief moments that they were together made Bassanio realize that he indeed wanted to spend his life with Portia and he would listen to her. With this in mind, Portia secretly guides him to pick the lead casket which is the right one. In relation to Othello, The Merchant of Venice is quite a love story. With Portia and Jessica and Desdemona in Othello and The Merchant of Venice respectively, all ladies have rich fathers who seem quite controlling of their daughters, even form the grave, as is Portia’s case. However, all ladies have rich fathers but their suitors are clearly not of the same social class. They are also dedicated to their mates, regardless of the outcome. In Othello, interracial marriage ends in death or suicide while in The Merchant of Venice, Portia ends up being happy while Jessica converts to Christianity and also leads a happy life with her spouse. In Othello, Desdemona is obedient and even accompanies her husband to battle, knowing that she is needed in some way. Portia on the other hand Guides Bassanio into choosing the right casket because she understands that he only has one chance to prove his worth. References â€Å"A Midsummer Night’s Dream By William Shakespeare About A Midsummer Night’s Dream.† About A Midsummer Night’s Dream. N.p., 9 Feb. 2012. 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Friday, September 13, 2019

The current financial crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The current financial crisis - Essay Example The banks had a liquidity issue in their hands making the given and receiving of loans very difficult as the fallout from the subprime lending bubble burst. (Magdoff and Bellamy). This paper discusses the subprime crisis of America in 2007 and the Asian financial crisis of 1997 - 1998, and explaining the possible causes of the crises. The subprime crisis happened in America in the year 2007 and involved a national banking emergency which resulted in the famous economic US economic recession of 2008 (Raymond). The American business community had involved itself extensively with mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and collateralized debt obligations (CDO) due to the high returns from the high interest rates on mortgages. When lower credit quality was onset, however, there was a massive default with the disruptions in the flow of credit to both the businesses and the consumers. The result was a marked severe global recession. Several reasons were put up to explain the cause of the crisis but the fallout is generally considered to be from the sudden rise in the rates of subprime lending. According to Pierre (233), the rates of mortgages were originally low, about 8%. However, when the rates suddenly hiked to about 20% in the year 2006, it became apparently very high for the institutions offering these mortgage services. This hiked lending lead to a lowered standard of lending and a rise in higher-risk products from mortgages. Consequently, the US households became highly indebted with a sharp rise in the ratio of the amount that each of these households would dispose to the amount of debt in mortgages (Robert, 126). As was observed in mid-2006, it became very difficult for borrowers in the US to refinance their loans following a deep decline in the US home prices (James, 198). Mortgage felony was observed to rise following a reset of adjustable-mortgage rates to higher

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Two assignments Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Two assignments - Assignment Example This is not to downplay a department but to find the root cause. It is clear that it a manager must be cognizant of these elements and try to bridge any discrepancies that occur. In that efforts, the supervisor’s motives for wanting the information should not be retaliation but to improve the process overall. The focal point of all this should be to enhance the process itself into a seamless manner, not to point fingers at each other. â€Å"Successful leaders such as IT managers are excellent deflect attention away from them and encourage others to voice their opinions.† It is clear that the IT manager must lead their team to the right goals and understand this data to analyze for the well-being of the organization itself. As an IT manager, doing a case analysis is important even for security and social engineering purposes. When it comes to securing these elements, human flaws are always a huge issue. Social engineering has plagued many organizations because attackers have found constructive ways to loop into the system. Social engineering for user domains should be based on layering approach. For instead, spoofing is conducted on regular basis for a user account domain password, which can expose vulnerabilities in the system itself. The job of the IT manager therefore is to rectify these issues if it hurts the organization in any shape and form. This cannot be conducted without understanding the root cause of the department failures. Registration system stakeholders will be students, administrators, teachers and registration office. If a student drops the class, the registration gets affected because they have to pool this resource out to someone. If a teacher does not teach a class, students get affected because of the entity relationships that are created. In order to be very comprehensive in the interview process, it

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Evaluation of a planned actiity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Evaluation of a planned actiity - Essay Example But the ideas of some people concerning children growing up in bilingual environments have not in any way benefited these children, and may have an adverse effect on them. Therefore, when a parent changes jobs and it involves moving to a different part of the world, there is linguistic demand on them and their children (Romaine, 1995). During the first week, I observed the children in the role play area and offered guidance and assistance when needed. In the second week I joined the children in the role play area, initiating and supporting. Finally I introduced an old word processor in order to improve and extend the children’s writing skills. Children could use this to type things such as prescriptions, appointment sheets and health advice and print them off. By adding props which support early writing, it allows the children to make early attempts at writing through play. By adding this word processor to the role play area it will â€Å"help set the scene† for the topic area. This allows the children to get involved and makes the role play area more â€Å"meaningful† to the activity (Cooke, 1997, p. 122). On the first day, the teacher read a book called â€Å"A Day in the Life of a Doctor† to the whole class. The teaching assistant translated it to Urdu, a member of the EAL (English as Additional Language) department translated it to Tamil, and this in turn started a discussion about being ill and going to the doctor. A child in my group who is normally shy and timid started to participate in the conversation. When this child is home, her first language is Tamil and her English is very limited, however, listening to the lady translate it she started responding by telling how her sister had a cough and that her mum had to take her to the doctor. She was also listening to her peers explaining in English and she tried to start a simple sentence in English by saying â€Å"my mum†, then she stopped as she got embarrassed. This

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Culture Wars and Teachings of the Past Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Culture Wars and Teachings of the Past - Essay Example This makes them edge when they hear other people drawing comparisons of the past and current happenings (Manning, 2003). History and all the aspects involved are not very palatable in many circles. This is pegged on the understanding that it is crucial to take time to understand the history and what it entailed. This will include digging up of past issues that will rub people in all the wrong ways. Opinionated facts about those that support standards and those that do not have taken centre stage for so many years. There is an example presented of women and many other minority groups that have risen in the historical issue. They have been linked to the formations and opinions that are currently applied in many decisions that are arrived at all over the world. Historians all over have supported this thought. This is with the realization that there is a connection between the way things are observed and what they were (McNay, 1999). This is what forms the cannons of their historical tea chings and observations. This has created the chance for them to teach history as they are expected to. This is with the mindset that as much as the past is the past, it has a relationship with the future. This is with respect to the mistakes made the successes endured and the strides that were made. This is at each and every step of the way as the general process of history was unfolding and taking centre stage. This is with respect to the raising of the historical standards or being content with aspects of multi culturalism that are being propagated and embraced (Dunn, 2000). Second Book Review- History on Trial The issue of the creation of national standards has had long standing complications. This is because every society has very many people that support and critic various ideologies. This is mostly the case in the event that they do not support the logic and opinions of the majority. Their diverse opinions, ideologies and beliefs, have created a system where it is practically impossible to relate (McNeill, 2009). The relationship that is drawn from all historical aspects ensure that it is seen the way that it is. The war is as a result of the diverse opinions that were arrived at during the formation of the national history standards project. The project had the sole aim of ensuring that historical standards were set. This was in relation to the general process of teaching and educating people in all aspects of history and all that it entailed. The historians propagate a system where they are entitled to the raised standards that will be used in many curriculums. They thought that the standards will have positive effects on the general process of teaching, analyzing and understanding history. This was arrived at because of the feelings that they had towards how history was being taught. Many historians supported this argument and the standards set (Nash, 2007). This was because it created a platform for them to ague objectively about the methodologies o f study. Historians take the study and understanding of history as a very delicate subject. They want history to be defined based on its overall aims, objectives and societal expectations. They want the platform to talk candidly about history and its effects on the way life is seen currently. This is based on the understanding that history